1. Oshi taoshi junte dori kote hineri osae
2. Tentai oshi taoshi junte dori kote hineri ude hineri osae
2. Kote gaeshi
3. Tenkai kote hineri
4. Tenkai kote gaeshi
o Chudan (2)
o Gedan (2)
o Oshiro ryote (1)
2. Aigamae ate
3. Gyakugamae ate
4. Gedan ate
5. Oshiro ate
o Junte dori and Oshi taoshi
o Gyakute dori
o Gyakute dori and Oshi taoshi
o Junte dori and Hiki taoshi
o Gyakute dori
o Gyakute dori and Hiki taoshi
2. Tentai oshi taoshi tekubi osae
2. Sumi otoshi
3. Hiki otoshi
o Chudan (2)
o Gedan (2)
o Oshiro ryote (1)
2. Aigamae ate
o Junte dori and tenkai kote gaeshi
o Gyakute dori
o Gyakute dori and Kote gaeshi
o Junte dori and tenkai kote gaeshi
o Gyakute dori
o Gyakute dori and Kote gaeshi
o Hiji Waza (5)
o Tekubi Waza (4)
o Uki Waza (3)
2. Aigamae ate – Oshi taoshi
3. Gyakugamae ate – Gedan ate
4. Gedan ate – Shomen ate
5. Oshiro ate – Tenkai kote hineri
o Hiki taoshi – Tenkai kote hineri
o Kote gaeshi – Kote gaeshi
o Tenkai kote hineri – Waki gatame
o Tenkai kote gaeshi – tenkai kote gaeshi
2. Gedan ate
3. Oshiro ate
o Jodan gyakute dori
o Gedan junte dori
o Gedan gyakute dori